ScientiaCME Free CME Courses

  • FREE

    ScientiaCME Cholangiopathy management updates with an eye on the horizon: focus on primary biliary and primary sclerosing cholangitis

    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: 1
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 07/19/2024
    • Expiration of CME credit: 07/19/2026
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME The present and future state of care in hereditary angioedema (HAE)

    In this online, self-learning activity:

    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare, debilitating, and potentially life-threatening disease due to C1-inhibitor (C1-INH) deficiency with an estimated prevalence of 5,000 people in the U.S. and over 116,000 worldwide. HAE is characterized by recurrent edema, and the cutaneous attacks can be disabling, with the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and upper airways are most commonly affected. Patients are also under persistent risk of laryngeal swelling that may prove fatal if not treated in a timely manner. The disease is classified as: HAE with normal functional C1INH protein (previously known as type III HAE) or HAE due to a deficiency of C1INH protein, with the latter further distinguished either by deficiency in both concentrations and function of C1INH (type I) or by normal levels of dysfunctional C1INH (type II). Owing to its rarity and symptomatic overlap with other conditions, patients not uncommonly experience a diagnostic delay of 8 to 10 years, putting them at a higher risk of inappropriate treatment, morbidity, and mortality.

    Target Audience:
    HCPs including: allergists, immunologists, emergency medicine specialists, and internists; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists specializing in immunology; and any other HCPs who have an interest in or otherwise clinically encounter patients with HAE.

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    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: .75
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 07/29/2024
    • Expiration of CME credit: 07/29/2026
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME Aiming for the mark: achieving target pressures in open-angle glaucoma (POAG)

    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: 1
    • Material last updated: 08/17/2024
    • Expiration of CME credit: 08/17/2026
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME Metastatic urothelial carcinoma (mUC): Updates from the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting

    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: .75
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 08/24/2024
    • Expiration of CME credit: 08/24/2025
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME On the road to eliminating pneumococcal diseases: a focus on vaccination practice in adults

    Streptococcus (S.) pneumoniae is a common bacterium and one of the leading causes of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), causing 27% of cases worldwide and 15% of U.S. cases – an important figure because CAP is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Not only is acute respiratory illness one of the top ten causes of death in the U.S., but it is associated with a 17% all-cause mortality rate 30 days after presentation and a 38% rate after one year. For those admitted to the ICU – accounting for nearly a quarter of those hospitalized with CAP the corresponding morality rates are 27% and 47%, respectively.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: 1
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 09/05/2024
    • Expiration of CME credit: 09/05/2026
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME Planning for the unplanned: addressing the challenge of unintended pregnancies and the role of long-acting reversible contraception in public health

    Unintended pregnancies are a public health emergency and are associated with maternal morbidity and mortality due to complications of unsafe abortion, miscarriage, preeclampsia, obstetric bleeding, and socioeconomic inequality. Over 48% of all pregnancies in the US are unintended – either unwanted or occurring earlier or later than desired – and they are most prevalent in women and girls of lower socioeconomic status and those who cohabit. Unintended pregnancies also impose significant psychosocial and economic costs. Including expenses related to births, abortions, and miscarriages, they cost the US approximately $21 billion every year.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: 1
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 09/13/2024
    • Expiration of CME credit: 09/13/2026
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME Pancreatic Cancer: Updates from the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting

    Over 64,000 people develop and close 50,000 die each year of pancreatic cancer, and by 2030, pancreatic cancer is expected to surpass colorectal and breast cancer to become the second-leading cause of cancer death. Over 90% of whom have pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), and while the 5-year survival rate for patients diagnosed with localized disease is over 44%, patients with locally advanced (LAPC) or metastatic disease have a median overall survival of 12 to 14 months. Symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer are not usually evident in the early stages of the disease and may be intermittent and nonspecific, and more than half of patients have advanced disease by the time they are diagnosed.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: .75
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 09/21/2024
    • Expiration of CME credit: 09/21/2025
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME Taking aim at IgA nephropathy (IgAN): present gaps and evolving management strategies

    In this online, self-learning activity:

    IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is an inflammatory kidney disease with IgA deposition in the glomerular mesangium. IgAN is the most prevalent primary chronic glomerular disease worldwide. Globally, IgAN has an estimated incidence of 25 cases per one million people annually. It is more common in children and young adults than in the elderly. Among patients of all ages, the average annual prevalence of IgAN in the United States is 329 per 1 million. The epidemiology and gender distribution of IgAN vary by country and region. In North America and Europe, the prevalence is higher in men.

    Target Audience:

    HCPs including: nephrologists, internists, and pediatricians; physician associates, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists who practice in those areas of specialty; and those who otherwise care for or clinically encounter patients with IgAN.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: 1
    • CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
    • Format: Online
    • Material last updated: December 21, 2024
    • Expiration of CME credit: December 21, 2026
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME Professional awareness of COPD best practice and guidelines

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by inflammation and obstruction of airflow in the lungs, resulting in difficulty breathing. It includes the conditions of emphysema and chronic bronchitis, both of which contribute to the deterioration of lung function. COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, with a prevalence of 14.2 million.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: .75
    • CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: January 18, 2025
    • Expiration of CME credit: January 18, 2027
  • FREE

    ScientiaCME Thymidine kinase 2 deficiency identification and management: TK2D-MDDS, do you copy?

    Activity Description / Statement of Need:

    In this online, self-learning activity:

    Thymidine kinase 2 deficiency (TK2D) is an ultrarare mitochondrial disease caused by recessive mutations in the TK2 gene and manifesting as a form of mitochondrial DNA depletion/deletion syndrome (MDDS) and mitochondrial myopathy. Under normal conditions, the TK2 gene encodes for the thymidine kinase enzyme present in the mitochondria, which is responsible for the phosphorylating of pyrimidine nucleosides, deoxythymidine, and deoxycytidine. These are the first steps in mitochondrial DNA synthesis, and researchers speculate that TK2 mutations affect muscle tissue because its higher energy demands make it most susceptible to mitochondrial impairment. Mutational analyses of patients with MDDS have found that approximately 15% have TK2 mutations, which may be extrapolated to about 600 to 2,700 individuals in the US.

    Target Audience:

    HCPs including but not limited to: neurologists, pediatric neurologists, pediatricians, primary care providers, pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, and medical geneticists; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and nurses who practice in the aforementioned areas of specialty; and any other HCPs with an interest in or who may clinically encounter patients with TK2D.

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    • Cost: Free
    • Credit hours: .75
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 02/07/2025
    • Expiration of CME credit: 02/07/2027

    ScientiaCME Pain Management

    Target Audience: Physicians focusing on Pain Management

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    • Credit hours: 3
    • CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Expiration of CME credit: Two years after release

    ScientiaCME Waking to our potential in the management of narcolepsy and excessive daytime sleepiness: Treatment updates and gaps in care

    Activity Description / Statement of Need:

    In this online, self-learning activity:

    Narcolepsy is a neurologic disorder characterized by inappropriate regulation of the sleep-wake cycle and excessive sleepiness during waking hoursAffected individuals may fall asleep at inappropriate times, such as when talking to others, eating, or even driving. Roughly 135,000 to 200,000 people in the United States are estimated to have narcolepsy. Women and men are affected by narcolepsy equally, and most patients begin having symptoms between the ages of 7 and 25 years. The treatment of narcolepsy may be complicated and must be tailored individually after careful evaluation of the patient’s symptoms.

    Target Audience:

    The following HCPs: neurologists, internists, PCPs, psychiatrists; nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and pharmacists who specialize in the aforementioned areas of specialty; and those who otherwise commonly care for or clinically encounter patients with sleep disorders.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Credit hours: 1
    • CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 03/22/2023
    • Expiration of CME credit: 03/22/2025

    ScientiaCME Preventing and mitigating skeletal-related events in breast cancer

    Each year, more than 290,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed, making it the leading cause of cancer among females in the United States. Although earlier screening and more effective treatment options have improved outcomes among people with breast cancer, more than 43,000 people die from this type of cancer each year. Throughout the course of breast cancer management, bone health remains an important consideration. In early breast cancer, chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure and endocrine therapy can contribute to BMD loss and subsequent osteoporosis and fracture. In advanced breast cancer, about 70% of all patients will experience bone metastases, placing patients at risk for SREs. In fact, breast cancer is associated with the highest risk of SREs among all tumor types.

    Maintaining bone health in patients with breast cancer requires routine monitoring and proactive management to minimize the risk of BMD loss, osteoporosis, and SREs. Guidelines therefore recommend that patients with non-metastatic breast cancer initiating aromatase inhibitors or other treatment that causes bone loss undergo dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans to assess baseline BMD. Furthermore, patients at risk for osteoporosis should receive regular follow-up DXA scans to monitor for BMD loss. This represents an opportunity for ongoing education about the need for monitoring to ensure maintenance of optimal bone health.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Credit hours: .75
    • CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 10/27/2022
    • Expiration of CME credit: 10/27/2024

    ScientiaCME Addressing unmet needs for a common condition: Drugs and device updates in dry eye disease

    Activity Description / Statement of Need:

    In this online, self-learning activity:

    Dry eye disease (DED) is a condition with a diverse group of etiologies and whose common symptoms include discomfort or pain, visual disturbance, tear film instability, and ocular surface inflammation. Compared with those without the condition, patients with DED experience higher rates of loss of work productivity, impaired of daily activities, medical visits, and sleep and mood disorders, and worse emotion well-being and overall quality of life. Although the prevalence of DED varies based on a variety of patient factors, estimates place it as high as 20% of the adult population and more than 34% in the elderly. The aggregate U.S. economic impact is estimated be over $3 billion in direct medical expenses and $55 billion in indirect expenses annually. Nonetheless, DED is both underdiagnosed and undertreated.

    Target Audience:

    The following HCPs: ophthalmology and optometry; physician assistants and nurse practitioners who practice or are interested in ophthalmology; and any other healthcare professionals with an interest in or who clinically encounter patients with dry eye.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Credit hours: 1
    • CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 12/22/2022
    • Expiration of CME credit: 12/22/2024

    ScientiaCME Strategies to prevent complications of sickle cell disease

    Activity Description / Statement of Need:

    In this online, self-learning activity:

    Sickle cell disease (SCD) is the most common monogenic blood disorder, affecting millions of people worldwide and approximately 100,000 Americans. Although it may be found in various areas of the world, SCD predominantly affects individuals of African or Hispanic heritage. It is caused by the inheritance of b-globin alleles that code for hemoglobin S, resulting in an amino acid substitution in hemoglobin’s b chain and clinical disease. Patients with SCD have impaired circulation, and lysis of the erythrocytes contributes to a chronic inflammatory response, causing severe pain and less efficient oxygen delivery. The hallmark clinical features of SCD are hemolytic anemia and painful vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), which may lead to emergency department visits, hospitalization, and potentially fatal complications such as acute chest syndrome, stroke, or pneumonia.

    Target Audience:

    The following HCPs: hematologists and primary care physicians; physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and pharmacists who specialize in the aforementioned areas of specialty; and any other HCPs with an interest in or who may clinically encounter patients with SCD.

    See full details chevron_right
    • Credit hours: .75
    • CME credits awarded by: ScientiaCME
    • Format: On-Demand Online
    • Material last updated: 02/15/2023
    • Expiration of CME credit: 02/15/2025