Mobile App Popularity with Clinicians
In 2020, more than 15.5 million mobile apps were available for download, with more than 325,000 apps being health related. Phsyicians are relying on mobile apps and activites more to broaden their knowledge and earn their CME credits. According to Health Link Dimensions, 81% of physicians use smartphones and 56% use tablets for business.
MDEdge recently did a study on health-related apps, specifically on apps for dermatology residents to determine what apps were most popular amongst Dermatologists. The study was sent by the American Academy of Dermatology to 1587 dermatology residents from summer 2019 to summer 2020 over the course of 17 days.
The study was sent by the American Academy of Dermatology to 1587 dermatology residents from summer 2019 to summer 2020 over the course of 17 days.
According to the study, VisualDx was the most popular app amongst Dermatology residents, with 84% claiming they used it on a daily basis. Below we dive into more details on why the app is so popular amongst dermatologists.
VisualDx App
VisualDx was the most popular mobile app amongst Dermatology reasons. The top 3 reasons in the survey were diagnosis and workup (83%), medication dosage (72%), and self-education (69%). VisualDx helps dermatologists accurately match and compare symptoms shown by patients to an image library of conditions and skin-related issues, using their app to help narrow down a diagnosis becomes much easier. This is especially the case with VisualDx’s DermExpert™, an add-on artificial intelligence feature where you can take a photo of the affected area of skin and have it analyzed and diagnosed in just a few steps.
The top 3 considerations when selecting a mobile app were up-to-date and accurate information (81%), no/low cost (80%), and user-friendly design (74%). VisualDx uses the knowledge and resources of over 50 physicians on their editorial board to make it a priority to keep their visual library as up-to-date as possible. Plus, a 12-month subscription costs only $750 and comes with a bonus $250 Amazon card, making this an affordable app that you’ll find yourself using all of the time while in the field and working with patients.
For more information on VisualDx, read our Visual DX CME review.