Oakstone CME Courses
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Oakstone CME CMEinfo Insider w/ up to $3,200 Gift Card
CMEinfo Insider is developed for medical professionals who want to save time & money. Get a $3,200 Amazon® gift card or save up to $3,200 when you join today!
Stay current on cutting edge content in your primary specialty, with a limitless opportunity to research topics important to you and your patients, earn unlimited AMA PRA Category 1 Credits,™ and take advantage of exceptional CME gift card opportunities.
A World of Medical Information at Your Fingertips
We partner with premier medical teaching institutions, professional associations, and highly regarded clinicians to deliver top-notch CME activities. They bring you the most relevant medical information for you to review and apply in your own practice.Connect to CMEinfo Insider and get:
- Comprehensive one-stop online resource for all stages of your medical career
- 24/7 access to the entire Insider library of board reviews, clinical updates, and journal article summaries from your computer, tablet or mobile device
- Earn all the AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ you need
- Over 18,000 journal article summaries with audio commentary
- Over 1,230 board review and clinical update activities offered in video format
- New, cutting-edge topics added every month at no additional charge
- Online quizzes and instant pass/fail notification
- Unbiased and evidence-based content with no external advertising
- Pass board certification and maintenance of certification exams — guaranteed!
- Plus, save up to $3,200 or get up to a $3,200 Amazon® gift card when you join today! Please note that your receipt will be itemized per guidelines set forth by the ACCME for any accredited CME purchase sold in combination with a gift card. The gift card value is not a tax deductible professional expense. (See Gift Card Disclosures section below for further details.)
- Cost: $1999
- Credit hours: Unlimited
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio
- Material last updated: Continuously Updated
Oakstone CME Practical Reviews
Practical Reviews offers journal summaries from leading medical journals. This activity makes earning CME credits quick and easy and helps physicians stay up to date on the latest advances and news in their specialty.
Practical Reviews is offered in over 20 specialties and can be accessed via online video, online audio, audio cd, or the convenient Practical Reviews mobile app.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: Varies depending on course
- Credit hours: 56-70
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio, Audio CD, Mobile App
- Material last updated: Continuously Updated
Oakstone MKSAP 19 Audio Companion
Expert Advice and Insightful Commentary
The MKSAP® 19 Audio Companion sheds light on the latest diagnostic approaches, management strategies, and treatment guidelines. In this comprehensive audio CME program, you’ll join host Donald L. Deye, MD, FACP, as he leads lively discussions with esteemed colleagues in 11 internal medicine subspecialties. Listen as experienced clinicians from some of the world’s finest medical institutions share patient stories, insightful views of recent clinical advances, and more.
Anytime, Anywhere Audio CME
With the MKSAP 19 Audio Companion, you get:
- All-new advice and commentary — a reliable, and entertaining way to learn current oncology trends, the latest approaches to diabetes treatment, COVID updates, new tactics for managing patients with COPD, and so much more
- An easy way to prep for your ABIM certification or MOC exam
- Flexible learning to fit your schedule — in your car, between appointments, while you work out
- Companion booklets — high-impact PDF learning aids to quickly review and retain key points (print booklets available for an additional charge)
- The opportunity to earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and ABIM MOC points
- Four FREE sets of extension questions — a $350 value that brings you incremental AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ and MOC points
General internists and primary care physicians; subspecialists who need to remain up to date in internal medicine; residents preparing for the certifying examination in internal medicine; physicians preparing for the recertification examination.
Learning Objectives
- Discuss the most clinically relevant patient care information in all subspecialties of Internal Medicine based on the medical literature of the last 3 to 5 years
- Describe clinical situations in which this new knowledge will improve the quality of care
- Diagnose disease states that are less common and sometimes overlooked and confusing
- Determine when to refer patients for surgery or care by subspecialists
- Cost: $1297
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing, LLC
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Audio, Audio CD
- Material last updated: July 1, 2024
- Expiration of CME credit: August 31, 2026
Oakstone CME Audio Companion for SESAP 18
Highly Effective Learn-by-Listening Resource
Listen in as host John A. Wiegelt, MD, DVM, FACS, MAMSE, and SESAP content experts discuss clinically significant surgical issues, common patient problems, and practice-changing management alternatives.
These audio Q&A sessions— covering topics hand-selected from the SESAP 18 program — will undoubtedly be helpful to every general surgeon, providing an up-to-date review of current medical knowledge, as well as insightful comments on surgical procedures. You’ll hear engaging commentary focused on vital continuing medical education content areas, including:
- Abdomen
- Alimentary Tract
- Breast
- Emergency General Surgery
- Endocrine
- Perioperative Care
- Surgical Critical Care and Trauma
Convenient Surgery Review and CME
Login from your desktop or tablet and enjoy efficient, to-the-point dialogue, take quizzes, and earn up to 29 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits.™ Listen at home, at work, while you commute — even during your daily workout.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $795
- Credit hours: 29
- CME credits awarded by: American College of Surgeons
- Format: On-Demand Online, Audio CD, Online Audio
- Material last updated: April 1, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: March 31, 2026
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Comprehensive Review and Update of What’s New in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Vascular Surgery CME from the Experts
A joint effort from the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at UCLA and Society for Vascular Surgery, this online CME course focuses on the major pillars of vascular surgery: conventional open operations, catheter-based intervention (endovascular surgery), the medical aspect of patient management, and diagnostic imaging and noninvasive testing.
Internationally recognized faculty present lectures covering important recent developments, along with roundtable Q&A sessions. In recognition of the increasingly important role of endovascular intervention, the Comprehensive Review and Update of What’s New in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery continuing medical education program also provides an informative update on endovascular surgery and relevant case studies.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $1295
- Credit hours: 27.5
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, USB Flash Drive
- Material last updated: November 1, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: October 31, 2026
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Comprehensive Review of Dermatology
Online Dermatology CME and Board Prep
Oakstone CME’s Comprehensive Review of Dermatology focuses on general dermatology topics, including basic science, basement membrane biology, dermatological manifestations of internal disease, hair and nail biology/disorders, skin cancer, pediatric dermatology, and drug metabolism.
Dr. Yasmine Kirkorian and expert faculty provide a comprehensive regimen, covering the entire spectrum of board-relevant dermatology topics with high-yield, 30-minute lectures. This continuing medical education program will help you to:
- Diagnose the 150 conditions identified by the ABD for the General Dermatology module of the Maintenance of Certification in Dermatology (MOC-D) exam
- Evaluate and diagnose dermatologic and dermapathologic lesions and entities
- Identify areas needing additional study in preparation for the certifying or recertification exam
- Expand your scope of knowledge in basic and clinical dermatological science
- Cost: $1095
- Credit hours: 34
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing, LLC.
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio, Audio CD
- Material last updated: February 15, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: February 15, 2026
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Comprehensive Review of General Surgery
Online General Surgery CME: Expert Clinical Guidance
An in-depth video CME program, Comprehensive Review of General Surgery addresses the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative management of patients with a wide spectrum of diseases, including those who may require nonoperative, elective, and emergency surgical treatment.
Evidence-based continuing medical education lectures provide guidance in determining accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatments, as well as direction for managing uncommonly encountered conditions and complications. Skilled, accomplished faculty share their clinical expertise, specialized knowledge, and experience to help you achieve the best possible patient outcomes.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $1195
- Credit hours: 39.75
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing, LLC.
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: October 31, 2024
- Expiration of CME credit: October 30, 2027
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Comprehensive Review of Family Medicine
Family Medicine CME: Get the Latest Guidelines
Our online video CM program Comprehensive Review of Family Medicine is an evidence-based, guideline-driven look at a variety of conditions and problems. It’s a clinical how-to focused on a practical and holistic approach to the biological, psychological, and social needs of a patient’s immediate care, as well as ideal outcomes and long-term health.
Experts from all over the U.S. share practical advice not limited by age, organ system, problem, or care setting. Highlights among the 84 continuing medical education lectures include:
• Diagnosis and management of atrial fibrillation
See full details chevron_right
• Metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease
• Injections in the office
• Dermatologic conditions in skin of color
• Lifestyle medicine
• Social determinants of health
• Geriatric medications
• Cancer screening update
• Immunization updates for adults and children
• Diets and medications for weight loss- Cost: $895
- Credit hours: TBD
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio, Audio CD
- Material last updated: TBD
- Expiration of CME credit: TBD
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Comprehensive Review of Pain Medicine
Pain Medicine CME from the Experts
The Comprehensive Review of Pain Medicine online CME program addresses the challenge of effective, safe, and timely relief of acute or chronic pain with in-depth insights into evolving viewpoints of opioid analgesics, pain practice management, clinical updates, advances in pain physiology, spine technology, and neuromodulation.
Multidisciplinary speakers are experienced clinicians and teachers who offer not only practical recommendations, but also ways to integrate empathy and an understanding of the mechanism of pain. The sessions in this continuing medical education course highlight both existing and emerging evidence-based clinical strategies in the behavioral, pharmacological, and physical sciences. Key take-home points include:
- Limiting the Opioid Supply – Are Our Communities Safer?
- Psychotherapies for Pain – Underused But Effective
- Opioids and Perioperative Pain Management – A Reassessment
- Neuromodulation – Moving Past the Epidural Space
- Appropriate Prescribing and the Pharmacist’s Obligation.
- Restorative Neurostimulation for Refractory, Mechanical, Nociceptive Chronic Low Back Pain
- And more…
- Cost: $1195
- Credit hours: 36.50
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, USB Flash Drive
- Material last updated: December 1, 2022
- Expiration of CME credit: December 1, 2025
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Samuels Comprehensive Review of Neurology
Discover the Latest in Neurology CME
The Samuels Comprehensive Review of Neurology includes 65 one-hour lectures and offers a broad, evidence-based look at common and uncommonly seen disorders, as well as best practices in diagnosis and management. Authoritative and clinically experienced faculty share pearls, pitfalls, and practical continuing medical education updates.
Named for the late Dr. Marty Samuels, long-time Oakstone CME contributor, beloved educator, inspirational mentor, and legend in the field of neurology, this online video CME program provides important strategies — including judicious use of imaging and lab testing — that will help you treat patients with neurological disorders and achieve the best clinical outcomes.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $995
- Credit hours: 59
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, USB Flash Drive
- Material last updated: December 31, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: December 30, 2026
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Comprehensive Review of Urology
Urology CME: Diagnostic Approaches, Therapeutic Advances
Comprehensive Review of Urology provides current, relevant information on adult and pediatric disorders of the male and female urinary tract, the male reproductive system, and the kidney. Led by renowned urologist Aria F. Olumi, MD, lecturers use guideline-driven information that will improve your approach to screening, staging, diagnosis, and treatment. You’ll get expert take-home points from each continuing medical education lecture, including:
- MRI of Prostate Cancer. MRI is effective in detecting focal areas of highgrade prostate cancer, providing accurate locoregional staging, and guiding targeted biopsies.
- Kidney Cancer – Laparoscopic Management. Laparoscopic and robotic nephrectomy is now the standard care for most renal cell carcinoma patients. It offers significant advantages in morbidity while maintaining oncologic outcomes of open surgery.
- The Etiology and Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Vaginal wall descent is a normal part of aging; however, once the bulge protrudes past the hymen, most women are symptomatic.
- Advances in Systemic Therapy for Management of Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy remains the standard of care for muscle-invasive bladder cancer.
- And many more!
- Cost: $1095
- Credit hours: 62.75
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing, LLC
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio, Audio CD
- Material last updated: October 31, 2024
- Expiration of CME credit: October 30, 2027
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Management of the Hospitalized Patient
Enhance Inpatient Care with Online Hospital Medicine CME
Led by Robert M. Wachter, MD, UCSF’s top teachers and selected guest faculty deliver a focused review of the clinical issues most relevant to hospitalists and those who care for inpatients — broad content in critical care, perioperative care, radiology, hospital neurology, cardiology, GI, diabetes, hematology, oncology, nephrology, infectious diseases, and more.
Management of the Hospitalized Patient is an online CME course aimed at enhancing your diagnostic and management skills, while highlighting recent advances and current controversies. Continuing medical education topics include:
- Pearls in palliative care and cardiology
- Tough cases and controversies in medical consultation
- Patient management with kidney failure, liver disease, cancer, stroke, etc.
- Neurological emergencies
- And more…
- Cost: $895
- Credit hours: 16.75
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, USB Flash Drive
- Material last updated: December 15, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: November 30, 2026
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Lung Pathology
Lung Pathology CME from the Experts
Through engaging lectures, case studies, and virtual microscopy sessions, Masters of Pathology Series – Lung Pathology continuing medical education helps build and translate knowledge into realistic diagnostic scenarios. Course Director Lynette M. Sholl, MD, and her colleagues deliver in-depth coverage of topics like granulomatous diseases, vasculitis, multiple lung tumors, lung transplant pathology, pulmonary vascular pathology, benign mimics of lung cancer, and more. This online CME course will help you to better:
- Recognize common, uncommon mediastinal tumors including thymic neoplasms
- Interpret the clinical implications of specific carcinoma diagnoses
- Identify effective diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for NSCLC diagnosis
- Differentiate between reactive and neoplastic proliferations of the lung and pleura
- Understand the relevance of IHC, FISH, molecular tests for diagnosing malignant mesothelioma
- Define appropriate biomarkers to select lung cancer patients for immunotherapy
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to do the following:
- Identify the pathologic and immunohistochemical features of common lung carcinomas and understand the clinical implications of specific carcinoma diagnoses
- Identify the crucial diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for non-small cell lung carcinomas and understand how to apply them in clinical practice
- Define appropriate biomarkers for selection of lung cancer patients for immunotherapy
- Distinguish between reactive and neoplastic proliferations of the lung and pleura
- Classify correctly primary and metastatic mimics of non-small cell lung carcinomas
- Recognize common and uncommon mediastinal tumors including thymic neoplasms
- Recognize clinically significant interstitial changes in the lung in patients with and without prospectively recognized clinical and radiographic correlates
Intended Audience
This educational activity was designed for practicing pathologists, oncologists, pulmonologists, and pathology assistants.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $795
- Credit hours: 15.75
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing, LLC.
- Format: Online, On Demand
- Material last updated: June 1, 2019
- Expiration of CME credit: June 1, 2022
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Comprehensive Review of Interventional Cardiology
Online CME: Updates in Interventional Cardiology
Comprehensive Review of Interventional Cardiology is a robust, in-depth continuing medical education guide to current guidelines and evidence-based best practices.
Led by Dr. Deepak L. Bhatt, skilled and authoritative clinician-educators cover this expansive field with 34 CME lectures focused on the latest diagnostic and procedural techniques, communication skills, technical ability and more. Key take-home points include:
- Functional Testing and Imaging. Exercise stress testing and coronary CT angiography are excellent approaches for coronary artery disease evaluation in low- to intermediate-risk patients. In intermediate- to high-risk patients, stress myocardial perfusion imaging, especially quantitative PET, is most effective.
- Saphenous Vein Grafts – Interventional Concepts. Because of the risk of distal embolization, Saphenous vein graft percutaneous coronary intervention is high risk, and should be performed with distal embolic protection when possible.
- Alcohol Septal Ablation for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients who meet clinical, anatomic, and hemodynamic indications should proceed to alcohol septal ablation or surgical myectomy in order to improve the heart failure state and improve prognosis.
- and more…
- Cost: $1095
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: January 31, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: January 31, 2026
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Echocardiography – A Comprehensive Review
Learn the Latest Guidelines with Online Cardiology CME
Oakstone’s Echocardiography – A Comprehensive Review provides an extensive, in-depth overview of all modalities of echocardiography used in the evaluation and management of patients with known or suspected heart disease. The 38 expertly-informed presentations offer insight into the morphologic features and physiologic functioning of the myocardium, valves, pericardium, coronary arteries, and great vessels.
Directed by Scott D. Solomon, MD and Maja Cikes, MD, PhD, this online cardiology CME course includes 38 evidence-based lectures organized in four sections: general principles, disorders, modalities, and settings. Skilled echocardiographers reflect on the substantial technological advances that have brought innovative clinical applications and enhanced diagnostic accuracy.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $695
- Credit hours: 31.75
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio, Audio CD
- Material last updated: June 30, 2022
- Expiration of CME credit: June 30, 2025