Risk Management is a popular topic for physicians looking to complete their CME requirements. Risk Management CME courses are popular among physicians because they offer insight on how to protect patients and your practice. They often cover a wide range of topics including medical ethics, medical errors, medication safety, cultural competency and more. Check out the top 3 Risk Management CME courses for earning your remaining CME credits and broadening your knowledge of key Risk Management topics in the hopes of delivering improved patient care and outcomes.
Topics in Risk Management 6th Edition
Topics in Risk Management is a Risk Management CME course from Oakstone that will help “mitigate medicolegal risk and protect your patients and practice while fulfilling your CME requirement”.
This course covers many topics that will help improve overall physician care while protecting your practice. The course consists of 5 main modules/topics. The modules are:
- Calculation of Economic Damages in Medical Malpractice Cases
- Preparing for a Defendant Doctor’s Deposition in a Medical Malpractice Case
- Ethical Decision Making in Health Care
- Simultaneous Surgeries
- Intermediation
This CME course costs $199 and offers physicians up to 12 AMA PRA Category 1 CME CreditsTM. The course can be streamed via audio online or audio CD, giving you the convenience of learning and earning CME credits in the comfort of your own home or in the car and on the go.
A Guide to the Secrets of the Never-Sued Physician
A Guide to the Secrets of the Never Sued Physician is an online Risk Management CME course that helps physicians avoid malpractice and lawsuits. After completing this course, physicians should be able to better protect themselves from lawsuits. They will learn to:
- Describe the differences between people who become patients and those who choose not to seek medical care.
- Identify the events that turn patients into plaintiffs.
- Refrain from using specific physician behaviors that precipitate lawsuits.
- List the behaviors of never-sued physicians and incorporate them into daily practice.
- Apply the principles of patient-centered interviewing.
- Recognize potentially litigious patients and put into practice methods for dealing with them.
This course is a case-based and interactive online course and offers up to 4 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. To earn the CME credits, participants must correctly answer assessment questions related to the topics covered in the course. It costs $100 to redeem the CME credits.
Many states also require licensed physicians to earn Risk Management CME credits to maintain their license to practice. This online CME course meets these special state CME requirements:
- Connecticut CME requirements
- Massachusetts CME requirements
- Michigan CME requirements
- Nevada CME requirements
- Pennsylvania CME requirements
- Rhode Island CME requirements
- Texas CME requirements
Risk Management Consult: Achieving Cultural Competence
Risk Management Consult: Achieving Cultural Competence is a Risk Management CME course that is designed to help physicians “care for patients from different cultural backgrounds”.
Often times cultural and language barriers can lead to negative patient outcomes and patient satisfaction. Many physicians agree that understanding a patient’s culture and language makes it easier to diagnose patients, understand symptoms, coordinate mutually agreed on treatment and follow-up plans, and deliver better outcomes overall. This course will help physicians develop cultural competence so they will better be able to provide equal and compassionate treatment to patients of a different culture.
After completing this CME course you will better be able to:
- Explain the inherent dangers of allowing friends or family of the patient to serve as translators.
- Describe the correct protocol for working with a translator.
- Determine whether a patient from a different language or culture understands you well enough to offer informed consent and to carry out follow-up instructions.
- Design specific strategies for identifying and overcoming communication barriers that may be interfering with your ability to provide appropriate care.
This course offers up to 6 AMA PRA Category 1 CME CreditsTM. The course is a self-study course that contains text and a follow-up exam. To earn the maximum number of CME credits, physicians must score an 80% on the follow-up exam.