What is StatPearls?
StatPearls is a comprehensive and constantly updated medical database for physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and other clinicians. Their library is utilized for CME/CE, test reviews, and medical schools worldwide. They feature peer-reviewed PubMed articles, which are published quicker than most medical articles.
StatPearls has more than 500 reviews and over 28,000 CME/CE activities in its database, with its question banks sorted by Anatomic and Clinical Sciences for easy navigation. These tools provided by StatPearls are designed for professionals to get the highest score possible on their exams and board reviews.
How do you earn CME credits with StatPearls?
StatPearls offers unlimited access subscriptions to earn CME/CE for physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists. Every Pub-Med Indexed article on StatPearls grants you an opportunity to earn CME/CE very simply.
After purchasing either a 6 month or 12 month subscription (with physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists each having a unique subscription), follow the steps below to jump in and start earning CME/CE.
- Register for the activity and create a StatPearls login.
- Review the required accreditation information: Target audience, learning objectives, and disclosure information.
- Complete the entire self-study activity.
- Complete the post-test assessments.
- Successfully pass the post-test with a minimum score of 100%.
- Complete the evaluation form.
- Obtain a certificate.
StatPearls also offers a free CME activity on their website, available here.
What topics does StatPearls cover?
StatPearls covers a wide variety of topics with 162 specialty areas for physicians, 15 specialty areas for pharmacists, and 72 specialty areas for nurses.
StatPearls activities are approved by the American Medical Association and all activities are reported to CE Broker and all state licensing boards as required.
Benefits of StatPearls CME
Large and Comprehensive Variety of Topics
StatPearls covers almost all bases with traditional areas to more obscure ones like Aerospace Medicine and Disaster Medicine.
Get unlimited access to CME activities for either physicians, nurses, or pharmacists.
Easy to Use and Earn CME
StatPearls allows one to earn CME quickly and easily. Review the accredited activity and complete the short evaluation and quiz to earn your CME at your convenience. Submit for completion to prove that you have earned AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.
Trusted Provider
StatPearls features a revolutionary, peer-reviewed process that allows over 8,000 authors and editors to share their expertise in their chosen fields with those who will benefit from their knowledge and experience.
High Number of Credit Hours
Given the fact that StatPearls offers such a large collection of articles, all of which award CME credits, it is a great value for the price compared to other providers. If you're willing to put in the time and effort to review a high amount of articles for CME credit (each article ranges from 1 to 2.75 credits), then it is well worth the yearly subscription cost.
StatPearls CME Pricing
StatPearls Unlimited Physician CME Subscription:
- $249 for 6 months, $349 for 12 months, or lifetime access for $1999
- Credits Hours: Unlimited
- Unlimited access to 162 physician specialties and over 6,000 activities
- All activities are peer-reviewed and Pub-Med indexed articles.
- Desktop, Mobile and Tablet friendly.
StatPearls Unlimited Nursing CE Subscription:
- $49 for 6 months, $89 for 12 months
- Credit Hours: Unlimited
- Unlimited access to 72 nursing specialties and over 6,000 activities
- All activities are peer-reviewed and Pub-Med indexed articles.
- Desktop, Mobile and Tablet friendly.
StatPearls Unlimited Pharmacist CE Subscription:
- $59 for 6 months, $79 for 12 months
- Credit Hours: Unlimited
- Unlimited access to 15 pharmacist specialties and over 3,000 activities
- All activities are peer-reviewed and Pub-Med indexed articles.
- Desktop, Mobile and Tablet friendly.
StatPearls Unlimited Nurse Practitioner CE Subscription:
- $249 for 6 months, $349 for 12 months
- Credit Hours: Unlimited
- Unlimited access to 23 NP specialties and over 6,000 activities
- All activities are peer-reviewed and Pub-Med indexed articles.
- Desktop, Mobile and Tablet friendly.