State Opioid CME Requirements

Many state medical boards require physicians to earn opioid CME credits to maintain their board license. With the misuse and abuse of prescribed opioid pain relievers on the rise, state medical boards want to ensure their licensed physicians are equipped to minimize the risk of opioid abuse. Opioid CME requirements can vary drastically by state so we have mapped out your state requirements below.

State Medical Board 

State Opioid CME Requirements

Alabama Board of Medical Examiners

2 credits on controlled substances

Alaska State Medical Board

2 credits every 2 years on pain management, opioid use, and addiction 

Arizona Medical Board 

3 hours on opioids

Arkansas State Medical Board 

3 hours in prescribing education within the first 2 years of licensure

Medical Board of California

12 hours in pain management and the treatment of terminally ill and dying patients. This course must also include the subject of the risks of addiction associated with the use of Schedule II drugs. 

Colorado Medical Board

No requirements

Connecticut Medical Examining Board

1 hour of prescribing controlled substances and pain management

Delaware Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline

2 hours in controlled substance prescribing practices, treatment of chronic pain, or other topics relating to controlled substances and 1 hour on Delaware Law pertaining to prescribing and distribution of controlled substances within the first year of registration

Florida Board of Medicine 

2 hours every renewal on the safe and effective prescribing of controlled substance medications 

Georgia Composite Medical Board

3 credits on controlled substances prescribing practices

Hawaii Medical Board

No requirements

Idaho Board of Medicine 

No requirements

Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation

3 hours on safe opioid prescribing practices

Medical Licensing Board of Indiana 

2 hours of opioid prescribing and opioid abuse

Iowa Board of Medicine

No requirements

Kansas Board of Healing Arts

No requirements

Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure

4.5 hours of board-approved training related to KASPER, pain management, or addiction disorders

-DEA-licensed prescribers of Buprenorphine-Mono-Product or Buprenorphine-Combined-with-Naloxone are required to complete 12 hours specific to addiction medicine every three-year licensing period.

Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners

3 hours drug diversion training, best practices regarding prescribing of controlled substances, appropriate treatment for addiction, and any other matters pertaining to the prescribing of CDS that are deemed appropriate by the licensing board.

Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine

3 hours on the prescribing of opioid medication every renewal

Maryland Board of Physicians 

No requirements

Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine

3 hours in pain management

Michigan Board of Medicine

Minimum of 3 hours in pain & symptom management

Minnesota Board of Medical Practice

No requirements

Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure

5 hours related to prescribing of medications – emphasis on controlled substances

Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts

No requirements

Montana Board of Medical Examiners

No requirements

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

No requirements

Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners

2 credits in ethics, pain management, and/or addiction care and 2 credits in misuse and abuse of controlled substances, the prescribing of opioids, or addiction

New Hampshire Board of Medicine

3 hours in opioid prescribing for the management or treatment of pain, or for the 

treatment of opioid use disorder

New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners

1 credit related to responsible opioid prescribing, alternatives to opioids for managing pain, risk, and signs of opioid abuse, addiction, and diversion

New Mexico Medical Board

5 hours in management of the treatment of pain

New York State Department of Health

3 hours in pain management, palliative care, and addiction

North Carolina Medical Board

3 hours in controlled substances

North Dakota Board of Medicine

No requirements

State Medical Board of Ohio 

No requirements

Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision

No requirements

Oregon Medical Board

6 hours in pain management

Pennsylvania State Board of Medicine

2 hours of pain management, the identification of addiction or the practices of prescribing or dispensing of opioids

State of Rhode Island Department of Health

4 credits relating to topics in Opioid pain mgmt, chronic pain mgmt, end of life or palliative care

South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners

2 credits of prescribing and monitoring controlled substances.

South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners 

No requirements

Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners

2 hours of prescribing controlled substances, which must include instruction in the TN Chronic Pain Guidelines

Texas Medical Board

No requirements

Utah Department of Commerce and Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing

Controlled substance prescribers: 4 hrs controlled substance training – 0.5 hrs through an online tutorial/test provided by the board, the remaining 3.5 hours are AMA credits that meet board requirements

Vermont Board of Medical Practice

1 credit in hospice, palliative care, or pain management

Virginia Board of Medicine

2 hours in topics related to pain management, responsible prescribing of covered/controlled substances, and diagnosis and management of addiction

Washington Medical Commission

1 hour in opioid prescribing

West Virginia Board of Medicine

3 credits in a board-approved course on drug diversion and best practice prescribing of controlled substances

Wisconsin Medical Examining Board

2 hours on a board-approved course in responsible opioid prescription

Wyoming Board of Medicine

No requirements


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