Similar to other medical professionals, Physical Therapists (PTs), have to complete a specific amount of continuing education (CE) hours depending on which state Physical Therapist medical board they are licensed by. Failure to meet your state board’s continuing education requirements will result in the removal of a PT’s license to practice.
Find your state below to determine how many continuing education hours you need to earn to maintain your physical therapy license.
State of Alabama Board of Physical Therapy
- 10 board-approved contact hours during each compliance period
- 2 hours on physical therapy jurisprudence every 5 years
Physical Therapists licensed by the State of Alabama Board of Physical Therapy are required to complete at least 10 board-approved contract hours every compliance period. A compliance period is considered October 1st - September 30th.
In addition, they are required to complete two hours on physical therapy jurisprudence every 5 years. The course they take must also cover the Practice Act and the Administrative Code.
Alaska State Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Board
- Applicants who have been licensed for 12 months or more of the concluding licensing period: 24 CE hours
- Applicants who have been licensed for less than 12 months of the concluding licensing period: 12 CE hours
The Alaska State Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Board’s continuing education requirements vary dependant on how long the applicant has been licensed in relation to the concluding licensing period.
Applicants who have been licensed for 12 months or more after the concluding licensing period are required to earn at least 24 contact hours during the licensing period. Those who have been licensed for less than 12 months of the concluding licensing period must earn at least 12 months of continuing education hours during the licensing period. However, this requirement is unnecessary if they pass the national physical therapy examination within 12 months immediately before the date that the applicant’s license is due to lapse.
Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy
- 20 CE hours during each 2 year compliance period
The Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy requires PTs to earn at least 20 continuing education hours during each 2-year compliance period. At least 10 of the hours must be Category A and the remaining 10 hours can be from any combination of Category A, Category B, or Category C activities. To count towards meeting the board’s requirements, the hours must be classified as “contact hours” and not “CEUs”.
The compliance period PTs must earn these hours starts on September 1st of even number years and ends on August 31st of the next even-numbered year.
Arkansas State Board of Physical Therapy
- 2 CEUs every biennium (20 contact hours)
The Arkansas State Board of Physical Therapy requires licensed PTs to earn two CEUs (20 contact hours) every biennium, or two-year period. The CEUs must be obtained within the 24 months preceding the odd-numbered year renewal.
In addition, Arkansas PTs are also required to pass the jurisprudence exam to meet their continuing education requirements. The exam must be passed for every odd-numbered year renewal as part of continuing education.
It is important to note that no more than 50% of your continuing education hours can come from online/home study courses. The jurisprudence exam is considered an online course and counts as one hour of continuing education.
Physical Therapy Board of California
- 30 total hours of continuing education
- hours in basic life support
- 2 hours in ethics, laws, and regulation
- 24 hours in other activities
The Physical Therapy Board of California (PTBC) has different continuing education requirements dependant on whether you are a new licensee or not a new licensee.
New licensees (in your first 13-24 months of licensure in California and renewing your license for the first time) are required to earn 15 total hours if the renewal payment was submitted to the PTBC before the license expiration date. 4 hours must be on basic life support, 2 hours must be on ethics, laws, and regulations, and 9 hours must be on other courses. If the payment was submitted after the expiration date, new licensees are required to complete 30 total hours. 4 of these hours must be on basic life support, 2 hours must be on ethics, laws, and regulations, and 24 hours must be on other courses.
If you are not a new licensee, you are required to earn 30 total hours of continuing education regardless of whether or not the renewal payment was submitted before or after the expiration date. Of the 30 hours, 4 must be on basic life support, 2 must be on ethics, laws, and regulation, and 24 hours on other coursework.
Colorado-Department of Regulatory Agencies-Physical Therapy Licensure Office
- 30 points through Professional Development Activities (PDA)
- Complete an Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (AKS)
The Colorado-Department of Regulatory Agencies-Physical Therapy Licensure Office requires PTs to earn 30 points via Professional Development Activities (PDAs) every 2 years by October 31 of even years.
PDAs are activities that are designed to increase a licensee’s knowledge of specific subjects in the hopes of professional development. For Colorado PTs, 15 of the 30 points they earn from PTAs must be accrued from Category 1 PTA activities.
In addition, licensed Colorado PTs must complete an Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (AKS) every 10 years to maintain their state board license.
Connecticut Department of Public Health
- 20 hours during every annual renewal period
The Connecticut Department of Public Health requires licensed physical therapists to complete 20 continuing education hours every year during each renewal period. The courses taken to complete these hours must be related to the individual’s practice.
Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers Requirements
- 3 CEUs every biennial license renewal
- 0.2 CEUs of ethics
The Delaware Examining Board of Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers requires licensed PTs to earn 3 CEUs (30 hours) every biennial license renewal period. 0.2 of these CEUs (20 hours) must be on ethics. The CEUs must be earned by January 31st of odd-numbered years.
District of Columbia Board of Physical Therapy
- 40 hours during each renewal period
The District of Columbia Board of Physical Therapy requires its licensed PTs to complete at least 40 continuing education hours during each renewal period. Only 20 of these hours can be completed via online/home study activities.
Florida Department of Health
- 24 contact hours during the 2-year licensure period
- 1 hour of HIV/AIDs for the first renewal
- 2 hours of prevention of medical errors
The Florida Department of Health requires licensed PTs to earn at least 24 contact hours biennially on November 30th of odd years. At least 1 of the contact hours must be on HIV/AIDs if it is your first renewal period. At least 2 hours must be spent on the prevention of medical errors every renewal period.
PTs should keep in mind that only 12 hours of contact hours can be accumulated via home study activities.
Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy
- 30 contact hours every 2 years
- 4 hours of ethics
- 4 ethics of jurisprudence
The Georgia State Board of Physical Therapy requires PTs to complete 30 contact hours by December 31st of odd years. At least 4 of these 30 contact hours must be on ethics and jurisprudence.
Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
- 30 continuing competency units (CCUs) every 2 years
The Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs requires its licensed PTs to earn at least 30 CCUs every two years during the license renewal period.
Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses
- 16 CE hours every year
The Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses requires physical therapists to earn at least 16 continuing education hours every year to continue practicing physical therapy in Idaho. If they complete excess hours before the expiration date, they may carry these hours over into the next renewal period.
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
- 40 hours of continuing education every pre-renewal period
- 3 hours on physical therapy ethics
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation requires physical therapists licensed in Illinois to complete at least 40 hours of relevant PT continuing education during each pre-renewal period. At least 3 of these 40 hours must be on the ethics of physical therapy.
Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Physical Therapy Committee
- 22 hours of continuing competency activities every biennial renewal period
- 10 hours must be from Category 1 activities
- 2 hours on ethics and Indiana jurisprudence regarding PT
The Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Physical Therapy Committee requires physical therapists to earn 22 credit hours from continuing competency activities every biennial renewal period. Of these 22 hours, 10 must be earned from Category 1 CME activities. A maximum of 10 hours can be earned from category II credit courses.
In addition, two of the 22 credit hours licensed Indiana PTs complete must be on ethics and Indiana jurisprudence regarding the practice of physical therapy.
Iowa Board of Physical & Occupational Therapy
- 40 continuing education hours every biennial continuing education compliance period
- Approved training program for identifying and reporting abuse
The Iowa Board of Physical & Occupational Therapy has extensive continuing education requirements. Licensed physical therapists in Iowa are required to earn at least 40 continuing education hours every biennial continuing education compliance period. A biennial continuing education period is a two-year period that begins on the sixteenth day of the birth month and ends two years later on the fifteenth day of the birth month.
Physical therapists in Iowa also have to meet a requirement regarding identifying and reporting abuse. Those who regularly provide health care to children are required to complete two hours of training in child abuse identification every 5 years. Those who regularly provide health care to adults must complete two hours of training dependent adult abuse identification and reporting every 5 years. Those who regularly provide health care to both adults and children are required to complete 2 hours of approved training regarding identifying and reporting abuse that relates to both adults and children.
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts
- 40 contact hours every 2 years
The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts requires licensed physical therapists to complete 40 contact hours of continuing education every 2 years. This must be done each odd-numbered year.
Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy
- 30 continuing competency hours every 2 years.
The Kentucky Board of Physical Therapy requires licensed physical therapists to complete at least 30 hours of continuing competency activities every 2 years. Licenses for Kentucky PTs expire on March 31st of every uneven year.
Louisiana Physical Therapy Board
- 30 continuing education hours every biennial renewal period
The Louisiana Physical Therapy Board requires PTs to complete 30 board-approved continuing education hours during each biennial renewal period. Of these 30 hours at least 2 contact hours must be on jurisprudence, 2 contact hours on ethics and professionalism, and at least 18 contact hours on clinical/preventative. PTs also have the option of earning a maximum of 8 contact hours on administrative topics.
It is important to note that no more than 15 hours of continuing education hours can be from be home study, internet or online courses or by other distance learning methods. This excludes the jurisprudence requirement if taken online.
Maine Board of Physical Therapy
The Maine Board of Physical Therapy has no continuing education requirements.
Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
- 3 CEUs biennially
The Maryland Board of Physical Therapy Examiners requires licensed Maryland PTs to earn 3 CEUs biennially on an odd-even basis.
Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure
The Massachusetts Division of Professional Licensure has no continuing education requirements for physical therapists.
Michigan Board of Physical Therapy
- 24 continuing education hours every 2 years
The Michigan Board of Physical Therapy requires physical therapists to complete at least 24 continuing education hours every 2 years. A maximum of 20 of these hours can be on the practice of physical therapy or any non-clinical subject relevant to the practice of physical therapy. Also, they must earn at least 1 pdr credit on pain and symptom management in accordance with section 16204(2).
There is also a human trafficking requirement for Michigan PTs. They must complete a one-time training in identifying human trafficking victims. This, however, does not count towards the 24 continuing education hours needed every 2 years.
Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy
- 20 continuing education hours every 2 years
The Minnesota Board of Physical Therapy requires licensed physical therapists to complete at least 20 continuing education hours every 2 years.
Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy
- 30 continuing competence units every 2 years
The Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy requires licensed PTs to earn at least 30 continuing competence units (CCU) every 2 years. Of these 30 CCUs, 7.5 must be directly related to the clinical practice of physical therapy. Also, at least 3 CCUs must be on the study of ethics, professionalism, or jurisprudence.
Missouri Division of Professional Registration
- 30 contact hours every 2 years
The Missouri Division of Professional Registration requires licensed PTs to earn at least 30 contact hours biennially
Montana Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
- 30 CE hours every 2 years
The Montana Board of Physical Therapy Examiners requires physical therapists to complete at least 30 continuing education hours every 2 years. There is no requirement, however, for PTs who are renewing their license for the first time.
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health
- 20 continuing education hours every 2 years
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health requires its licensed PTs to earn at least 20 continuing education hours every 2 years following license expiration. PT licenses expire on November 1st of each odd-numbered year.
Nevada State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
- 1.5 CEUs or 15 contact hours every year
The Nevada State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners requires PTs to earn 1.5 CEUs or 15 contact hours every year before July 31st. It is important to note that this board only allows PTs to earn a maximum of 0.8 CEUs or 8 contact hours from non-clinical courses.
New Hampshire Office of Licensed Allied Health Professionals
- 24 CE hours every 2 years
The New Hampshire Office of Licensed Allied Health Professionals requires licensed physical therapists to complete at least 24 CE hours every 2 years and renew by December 31st of even-numbered years.
They must also pass the NH Jurisprudence Assessment Module in years that end in 0 and 5.
New Jersey State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
- 30 contact hours every 2 years
- 4 hours on jurisprudence and professional ethics
The New Jersey Board State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners requires physical therapists to complete 30 contact hours every 2 years. At least 4 of these 30 hours must be on jurisprudence and professional ethics. Licenses expire on January 31st of even-numbered years.
It is important to note, that a maximum of 10 hours from online courses will count towards re-licensure requirements.
New Mexico Physical Therapy Board
- 30 clock hours every 2 years
The New Mexico Physical Therapy Board requires physical therapists to earn 30 clock hours every 2 years during the renewal period of February 31st - January 1st. A clock hour is equivalent to 1 hour of instruction time.
NY State Education Department Office of the Professions
- 36 contact hours every 3 years
The NY State Education Department Office of the Professions requires physical therapists to earn at least 36 contact hours every 3 years to maintain their license.
North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
- 30 points of continuing competence activities every 25 months
- 1 point from a jurisprudence exercise
The North Carolina Board of Physical Therapy Examiners requires licensed PTs to earn 30 points of continuing competence activities during the 25 month renewal period. At least 1 of these 30 points must come from a jurisprudence exercise.
North Dakota Board of Physical Therapy
- 25 contact hours every 2 years
- 15 clinically related hours
The North Dakota Board of Physical Therapy requires PTs to complete 25 contact hours every 2 years to maintain their license. Of these 25 hours, 15 hours must be clinically related and 5 of these 15 may be related to CPR.
It is important to note that North Dakota PTs should complete their online renewal by January 31st of the current year to avoid paying a $50 fine.
Ohio Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy Board
- 24 contact hours every 2 years
The Ohio Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy Board require PTs to earn 24 contact hours biennially to maintain their license.
PT licenses expire in odd-numbered years.
Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision
- 40 CE hours every 2 years
The Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision requires PTs to complete 40 continuing education hours every 2 years. Of these 40 hours, 3 hours must include APTA Guide for Professional Conduct and the APTA Code of Ethics.
It is important to note that no more than 50% of the hours can be completed via online courses.
Oregon Physical Therapist Licensing Board
- 24 continuing competency hours every 2 years
- 7 hours on pain management (one-time requirement)
The Oregon Physical Therapist Licensing Board requires PTs to complete 24 continuing competency hours every 2 years during the renewal period.
There is also a one-time requirement of 7 hours on pain management that Oregon PTs must complete. Of these 7 hours, 1 hour must come from an online pain management course sponsored by the Oregon Pain Management Commission. The additional 6 hours must relate to the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of pain.
Pennsylvania State Board of Physical Therapy
- 30 contact hours every 2 years
- 2 hours in physical therapy law and ethics
- 10 hours in evaluative procedures to treat a person without a referral
The Pennsylvania State Board of Physical Therapy requires licensed PTs to complete 30 continuing education contact hours every 2 years. Of these 30 hours, 2 must be on physical therapy law and ethics and 10 must be in evaluative procedures to treat a person without a referral.
Rhode Island State Board of Physical Therapy
- 24 contact hours every 2 years
- 0.4 in-service CEUs
- 0.4 CPR CEUs
The Rhode Island State Board of Physical Therapy requires licensed PTs to complete 24 contact hours every 2 years to maintain their license. Of these 24 hours, a maximum of 0.4 CEUs can be in-service and 0.4 CEUs must be on CPR.
South Carolina Board of Physical Therapy
- 30 contact hours every 2 years
The South Carolina Board of Physical Therapy requires licensed PTs to complete 30 contact hours every 2 years to maintain their license.
South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners
- 15 continuing education hours every year
The South Dakota Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners requires physical therapists to complete 15 continuing education hours every year.
Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy
- 30 CE hours every 2 years
- 4 hours on ethics and jurisprudence education
The Tennessee Board of Physical Therapy requires physical therapists to complete 30 CE hours every 2 years to maintain their license. Of these 30 hours, 4 hours must be on physical therapy ethics and jurisprudence education.
It is important to note, at least 20 of the required hours must be from category 1 activities and only 10 of the 30 hours may come from online activities.
Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners
- 30 contact hours every 2 years
- 2 hours in ethics and professional responsibility
The Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners requires PTs to complete 30 contact hours every 2 years. 2 of these 30 contact hours must be on ethics and professional responsibility.
PTs must complete these hours every 2 years by the end of their birth month.
Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
- 40 contact hours every 2 years
- 3 hours on physical therapy ethics or law
The Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing requires its licensed PTs to complete 40 contact hours every 2 years. Of these 40 hours, 3 hours must be on physical therapy of law.
It is important to note that a maximum of 50% of the required hours can come from taking online courses.
Licenses expire on May 31st of odd-numbered years.
Vermont Office of Professional Regulation
- 24 continuing competence units every 2 years
The Vermont Office of Professional Regulation must earn 24 continuing competence units every 2 years.
Virginia Board of Physical Therapy Perimeter Center
- 30 contact hours every 2 years
The Virginia Board of Physical Therapy Perimeter Center requires physical therapists to complete at least 30 contact hours every 2 years. A minimum of 15 of these 30 hours must be from type 1 face-to-face courses. Also, a maximum of 15 hours can be from online courses.
Washington State Department of Health
- 32 continuing education hours every 2 years
- 200 hours of physical therapy employment every 2 years
- 3-hour training in suicide assessment (one-time requirement)
- 7 hours on AIDS education and training (one-time requirement)
The Washington State Department of Health has many CE requirements its board members must meet. PTs licensed in Washington must complete 32 continuing education hours and 200 hours of physical therapy employment every 2 years.
Washington PTs must also complete two separate one-time trainings. They must complete a 3-hour training in suicide assessment and a 7-hour training on AIDS education.
West Virginia Board of Physical Therapy
- 24 contact hours every 2 years
The West Virginia Board of Physical Therapy requires PTs to complete 24 hours every 2 years. Licenses expire biennially on December 31st.
Wisconsin Physical Therapy Examining Board
- 30 CE hours every 2 years
- 4 hours on ethics or jurisprudence
The Wisconsin Board of Physical Therapy Examiners requires its licensed PTs to complete 30 board-approved CE hours every 2 years. At least 4 of these 30 hours must be on ethics or jurisprudence.
Wyoming Board of Physical Therapy
- 20 contact hours every 2 years
The Wyoming Board of Physical Therapy requires PTs to complete 20 contact hours every 2 years. Licenses expire biennially on October 1st.