Penn Radiology Astute Body and MSK Imaging
Astute Body and MSK Imaging features a detailed analysis of abdominal, pelvic and musculoskeletal radiologic subspecialties. Expert faculty from Penn Radiology and other esteemed institutions focus on practical, evidence based information to build interpretive skills and diagnostic confidence. The didactic presentations and case reviews throughout this activity emphasize modality advances and protocol selection. Radiologists of all experience levels will benefit from this thoughtful update in body and musculoskeletal imaging. Worth 15 AMA PRA Category I Credits™.
Cost: $595.00Add to cart
Key Features
Abdomen, Pelvis and Multiple Musculoskeletal Areas Examined. 15 AMA PRA Category I Credits™
Topics Covered
Liver lesions, abdominal trauma, interventional pearls, bowel pathology, chronic pelvic pain, ectopic pregnancy, right upper quadrant, scrotal sonography, shoulder, knee, wrist, hand, hip, bone marrow, sports medicine, bone biopsy, fatigue injuries, pediatric imaging and much more!
Learning Objectives
1. Discuss MR and CT appearances of abnormalities in the joints and abdomen
2. Detail pathology of the shoulder, knee, and hip from the clinician’s perspective
3. Describe abdominal traumatic injuries
4. Evaluate acute bowel pathology
5. Discuss liver pathology, including benign and malignant lesions
6. Describe appropriate imaging protocols that optimize diagnostic accuracy and minimize radiation exposure, particularly in the pediatric population
Target Audience
The educational design of this activity addresses the needs of academic and clinical practice radiologists.
Additional credit info
Release date: June 1, 2023 Expiration date: May 31, 2026