Pediatrics Shelf Exam Sample Question 1
A 2-month old breastfed male is evaluated for blood streaked stool. He was born at 38 weeks’ gestation and delivery was uncomplicated. He was discharged 30 hours after birth and has been gaining weight appropriately. Exam is unremarkable. You suspect allergic enterocolitis. Which of the following is true?Allergic enterocolitis is rare in breastfed babies.
- AIn most patients with allergic enterocolitis, radioallergosorbent tests are positive.
- BThe prevalence of cow’s milk protein induced enteropathy is increasing in developed countries.
- CSoy formulas should be recommended, as they are hypoallergenic.
- DCow’s milk protein allergy is the most common cause of chronic diarrhea in children 6 months to two years.
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