The American Board of Internal Medicine requires physicians to pass the MOC exam within 10 years of when you last passed or take the knowledge check in exam every two years to meet your Maintenance of Certification requirements.
These exams can be difficult and stressful for many physicians. It is difficult to find study material that closely resembles the exam and will effectively prepare them to pass the certification exams. Often times, the material covered in exam prep courses will be outdated and not cover the latest subjects in Internal Medicine that are addressed in the exam. In addition, study material can often be dense and not provide clear explanations of the questions and correct answers.
Given the difficulty in finding the right Internal Medicine MOC study prep course, we have highlighted the top Internal Medicine CME courses that will help you pass the recertification exam. In addition, the courses below will help you meet the ABIM MOC requirement of at least 1 MOC activity every two years and 200 MOC points (40 which must be medical knowledge) every 10 years.
BoardVitals Internal Medicine MOC Question Bank and Preparation Course
The BoardVitals Internal Medicine MOC Question Bank and Preparation course is a great resource for preparing for the ABIM MOC exams. This course features over 900 Internal Medicine MOC board review practice questions that are very similar to the questions you will see on the exam. To ensure the content is updated and relevant, the information in this program is continuously reviewed and updated. This helps minimize the risk of surprises when physicians go to take their exam.
In addition, the course offers detailed explanations and rationale of every single question. These explanations are clear and succinct and help physicians ensure they fully understand the material being covered.
Finally, the BoardVitals Internal Medicine MOC course is also a great resource for earning MOC points to meet the ABIM MOC requirements. The course offers physicians up to 40 MOC points and 40 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. To earn these credits, physicians simply have to answer the board review questions and answer 70% of them correctly.
This course is also accessible on your computer, phone, or tablet. This allows physicians to study for their exam at their home, office, or while they are on the go. Given physician’s hectic and increasingly busy lifestyle the course makes it easy to study during your ideal time of day.
Click here for information on the BoardVitals MOC Question Bank and Preparation Course.
UCSF Advances in Internal Medicine
UCSF Advance in Internal Medicine provides lectures and presentations that covers a wide range of topics in Internal Medicine and will help physicians pass the ABIM MOC exam. Given that the MOC exam covers many subjects in Internal Medicine, this online course ensures physicians will learn about all the key topics covered in the exam. The topics covered include:
- Cardiology
- Geriatrics
- Endocrinology
- General Internal Medicine
- Women’s Health
- Infectious Diseases
- Rheumatology
- Hematology and Oncology
- Gastroenterology
- Neurology
- Pulmonary
Completing this course will allow physicians to earn up to 25.5 MOC points and 25.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, which is more than the average amount needed every year to meet the ABIM MOC requirements.
This course is available via online video/USB, audio MP3 CDs, and audio MP3 USB. Being available via audio and video makes it very convenient to select the format that best matches their learning preference or current situation. For example, if you are on your commute audio would likely be your preferred method of learning.
In addition, to meeting ABIM MOC requirements this program is a great resource for improving your current practice. The evidence-based content and case-based reviews will allow physicians to quickly and directly apply their learnings to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.
Click here for more information on the UCSF Advances in Internal Medicine.