Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).
The ACCME is the accrediting body for all organizations that accredit CME in the United States (live, online and other archived materials). Contact ACCME for questions about how the entire CME system works. Each year, in about June, ACCME publishes a summary of the US CME enterprise for the previous year.
Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions
A group of professionals actively involved in creating, distributing and promoting the use of Continuing Education for Health Professionals.
Provides subscribers with weekly summaries of articles published in over 100 medical specialties.
Antioch University's Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Teaches students to make a positive impact on the world and those who need it most by promoting mental health, well-being, and social justice for a global community.
Specializes in promotion of Board Reviews for physicians preparing for specialty certification and re-certification. They also provide study guides for medical students and CE for nurses.
Best Trade Schools
An in-depth guide to help students learn about nursing programs and the career paths available in this field.
Cerebral Palsy Group
Online informational resource for anyone who has been affected by cerebral palsy, brain injuries, or birth injuries. We are dedicated to providing information, material, and resources to help improve the overall quality of life.
Cerebral Palsy Guidance
An educational support website dedicated to providing information on the topic of cerebral palsy. From daily living articles (i.e. finding a job) to basic medical information like causes and treatment, Cerebral Palsy Guidance provides information on all aspects of cerebral palsy, and is especially helpful for parents of a newborn with cerebral palsy.
Complete Guide to Medical Residency from BoardVitals
Whether you've just started medical school, you've just been matched, or you're well into your residency, A Complete Guide to Medical Residency from BoardVitals outlines exactly what you need to do to land -- and survive -- the residency you want.
Creighton University's Online Master's in Health Care Ethics Degree Program
A program specifically designed to educate students in the complex field of healthcare bioethics with historical, cultural, philosophical, political, economic and legal aspects of the field. Students will learn to discern the ethical problems, ambiguities, controversies and assumptions in healthcare practices, systems, polices, and laws. Additional continuing education opportunities are available through this program.
CRNA Programs and Careers
Guidebook on how to become a certified registered nurse anesthetist guide.
Dental Hygienist Schools and Programs
Explore different programs and schools on becoming a dental hygienist.
Education Online Search
A "free college and career education portal, to help you learn about careers and the schools offering education and degrees for the fields you choose. You'll find a collection of more than 400 career articles and education articles to guide you through many aspects of your search, including career descriptions, financial aid tips, advice for adult learners, info on standardized college tests, and more. You'll also find a directory of colleges which let you fill out a simple online form to request detailed school and financial aid information."
Family Nurse Practitioners
Comprehensive healthcare education search engine features more than 700 FNP programs in the US.
Find Your Context MSN Degree Guidebook
Comprehensive online guide for students interested in getting a Master of Science in Nursing degree.
Forensic Psychology Programs and Careers
Road map to becoming a forensic psychologist.
A rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians. Started in 1995, this collection has grown to over 5900 interlinked topics divided into a tree of 31 specialty books and 700 chapters. Content is updated monthly with systematic literature reviews and conferences.
A web site devoted to help people find online training, both undergraduate and graduate, in a wide variety of fields (but not for physicians).
Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME)
A not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of innovation in medical education throughout the world.
Good Clinical Practice Training
A set of nine slide-and-text lectures intended to provide the necessary training for people involved in clinical research or clinical trials. It will help researchers to better understand their responsibilities in planning and conducting clinical research. An international certificate is awarded upon successful completion. The fee is 49 GBP; credit is not valid for US physicians.
How to Become a Medical Assistant
Options and road map to becoming medical assistant
A portal site for physicians, pharmacists, managed care executives, and other healthcare professionals who are looking for tools, techniques, and information that can help them provide better care. The content is organized by specialty, by publication, and by audience, and it includes features from the print journals MDNG, Oncology Net Guide, Oncology Nurses, and MDNG: Hospitality, Oncology & Biotechnology News, Pharmacy Times, The American Journal of Managed Care, Cardiology Review, as well as the online site for Physicians Money Digest, PMDLive, among other clinical and professional publications.
Healthcare Education Schools
A free college website that covers both undergraduate and graduate level degrees in a wide variety of healthcare careers. Learn about each school including tuition, start dates and reviews and how to start either your certificate or degree.
Health Care Master Degrees
Health Care Master Degrees offers information on online degrees in Public Health, Health Administration, and Health Informatics. You'll find degree curriculum details, what to look for in Online Master's Health Care programs, and insight on career possibilities in the Health Care industry.
How to Prevent Hip Fractures Guide
Broken hips are major causes of suffering and pain among the elderly. Without immediate treatment, the condition can cause death or life-threatening symptoms and loss of mobility. It is not only a burden to patients and their families, but also to the government with increasing healthcare costs affecting total expenditures. Learn more about the implications of broken bones and how to prevent hip fractures in the elderly in this guide.
International Online Medical Council (IOMC)
A research-based online medical knowledge solution provider that aims to enhance the medical science and research arena worldwide through its innovative, comprehensive, and user-friendly services. IOMC is the organizer of annual International Online Medical Conferences (IOMC).
Online Doctor of Nursing Practice
Designed for advanced practice nurses to thrive in today's rapidly changing health care environment. The program prepares nurses to analyze data and scientific research to improve nursing practice as well as teaching them the various factors that go into developing health care policies.
Online Masters of Science in Nursing
A structured program, designed with the flexibility needed for nurses to balance work and life responsibilities with their studies. The curriculum offers specialized courses with techniques taught by advanced practicing professionals.
Online RN-to-BSN Accelerated Degree Program
The accelerated RN-to-BSN degree offers a personalized, competency-based program that allows students to move quickly past what they already know and focus on the topics they still need to learn.
Online RN-to-BSN Traditional Degree Program
Led by a dedicated faculty of practicing professionals, the program has a strong focus on professional leadership with courses in management, research, emerging trends in health care therapies, health assessment, and community nursing.
Learn Psychology
Psychology programs and resources to help students interested in the psychology field.
Masters Degree Online Guide to Schools
Online resource for prospective students searching for a masters degree program. This site offers a listing of 200+ accredited colleges offering a masters degree.
Medical Billing and Coding Schools
Medical billing and coding resources for students interested in this field to learn more and gain a better understanding on how to get into the position.
NAAMECC (The North American Association of Medical Education and Communication Companies)
A professional association dedicated to providing representation, advocacy, and education for its members. Medical Education and Communication Companies (MECCs) provide technical expertise and accreditation to creators of CME content.
Nurse Practitioner Online Programs Guide
Guide to the job growth and career placement on nurse practitioners.
Nursing Degree Guide
Offers students detailed descriptions of more than 1,600 Nursing Programs throughout the United States. Includes detailed write-ups, reviews, and ratings.
Nursing Continuing Education (CE) Directory
A directory of online Continuing Education (CE) courses for RNs, LVNs, LPNs, Nurse Practitioners, critical care nurses, EMTs, paramedics, and other individuals working to provide health care.
Online Master's in Counseling
Online guide for students interested in getting a masters in counseling.
Online PhD Degrees in Nursing
Guidebook on nurses wanting to get a higher education in nursing.
Online RN to MSN
Graduate-level nursing education site featuring more than 300 non-profit MSN programs from nearly 270 different schools.
Online Schools
A comprehensive and complete searchable database of online schools available on the Web. The site is specially designed to actively aid undergraduates in their search for the ideal online school.
Paramedic Programs Guidebook
Paramedic career path on how to become one and the different programs there are.
PulmCCM Central
Free 30+ journal literature review and free board review questions in pulmonary & critical care.
Queens University's online masters degree in nursing
Online program designed with the working nurse in mind. Program faculty members have created a supportive learning environment where they act as mentors to personally engage and aid student in their success.
Comprehensive resource for radiology education. Students can search for campuses offering radiology programs as well as gain insight into the profession.
RN 2 BSN Programs
Database of all programs in the US offering collegiate RN to BSN transitional programs. Includes in-depth metrics about each program as well as searchable online programs.
Saint Francis University's Master of Health Science online program
Designed for professionals in the healthcare setting who wish to pursue graduate education to achieve professional or personal goals. Only 10 classes are required to get the degree and students can complete the program in approximately five semesters.
Saint Joseph University masters in health administration
Allows students to be taught by an experience-rich team of professors assembled from various segments of the health care industry. The MHA program goes beyond theories and generalities of Health Administration to deliver practical lessons specific to today's health care challenges.
Scranton University Healthcare MBA online
"Primed to help you take the crucial next steps to advance your career in healthcare management. Our online MBA with a specialization in Health Care Management equips you with the tools you need to excel in this rapidly-changing industry."
Provides a teleconsultation service based on the transmission of digital images following the store-and-forward method. Users are invited to submit clinical and dermatopathologic cases of interest to the discussion forum thus making them available for viewing and comment by all other members.
Designed to help aspiring medical assistants find a variety of medical assistant schools to attend, categorized by state for convenience. This site also offers resources for medical assistants.
This LPN platform is one stop solution for all LPN related queries from accredited schools to licensure procedure, Salaries by State, Job Outlook, and Career Tips.
Ultrasound Registry Review
Offers tools for Sonographers to prepare for the national registry exam offered by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. CME credits are also available in multiple Sonography specialties to aid in maintaining the national registry and/or facility accreditation.
Ultrasound Tech Programs
Growing career path for ultrasound technicians and the resources to become one.
Utica University Masters in Health Administration
Focused on accelerating students' learning through applied study of actual cases, relevant projects, lively discussion, and interactive forms of learning.
Vet Tech Schools
Veterinary technicians guide on the education and experience needed.