What is OphthoQuestions?
OphthoQuestions is a comprehensive question bank and testing engine focused on helping ophthalmologists efficiently prepare for Ophthalmology exams like OKAPs, WKE, and recertification boards. Ophthalmologists can also use Ophthoquestions to earn Ophthalmology CME credits to complete their board requirements.
How do you earn CME credits with OphthoQuestions?
OpthoQuestions allows you to take self-assessment activities to earn up to 100 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™. To earn them, simply:
- Read the educational objectives and disclosure statements.
- Complete the case-studies presented during the session and score 70% or higher.
- Submit the online evaluation and redeem your credits.
What topics do OphthoQuestions cover?
OphthoQuestions covers a wide range of Ophthalmology topics for, including:
- Cornea/External Disease
- Glaucoma
- Lens and Cataract
- Neuro-Ophthalmology
- Oculoplastics
- Pathology and Tumors
- Pediatrics
- Refractive Surgery
- Retina and Vitreous
- Uveitis
Benefits of OphthoQuestions
Affordable Ophthalmology CME Gift Card Bundle
OphthoQuestions offers a CME gift card bundle, where users can get up to a $2,000 Amazon or Apple gift card with purchase. This bundle costs $3,999 and is an ideal choice for Ophthalmologists who receive a substantial CME allowance. Additional features of this gift card bundle include:
- 100 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM
- Unlimited access while you complete the course
- Access anywhere: Computer, phone, and tablet access
- 4,000+ constantly updated Ophthalmology board review questions and detailed explanations based on the current literature
- Written by top academic faculty in all sub-specialties
Questions Constantly Updated
OpthoQuestions’ testing engine and question banks are updated and improved every single day to ensure the content is relevant. They’re also open to feedback and implement recommendations in their updates.
Real-Time Comparisons
With Percentile Scores and Leaderboard rankings, you can find out how you’re doing compared to peers instantly. This insight allows users to instantly identify the subject areas they need to place more focus on.
Activities Count Towards CME and SA-CME
Unlike many Ophthalmology CME providers, OphthoQuestions activities count towards both CME and SA-CME credits.
Comprehensive Questions Banks
OphthoQuestions question banks cover more topics and provide more questions than most Ophthalmology CME providers. This ensures that Ophthalmologists are broadening their knowledge in a wide range. Their CME gift card bundle comes with access to over 4,000 Ophthalmology board review questions.
Similar Format to Real Life Exams
OphthoQuestions attempts to imitate real-life exams as closely as possible to ensure users are prepared on exam day. They implement things such as a timer so users can get comfortable with how the actual board exams will be.
For more information, check out this video on OphthoQuestionsCME