New Mexico CME Requirements and CME Courses


    Oakstone CME CMEinfo Insider w/ up to $3,200 Gift Card

    CMEinfo Insider is developed for medical professionals who want to save time & money. Get a $3,200 Amazon® gift card or save up to $3,200 when you join today!

    Stay current on cutting edge content in your primary specialty, with a limitless opportunity to research topics important to you and your patients, earn unlimited AMA PRA Category 1 Credits,™ and take advantage of exceptional CME gift card opportunities.

    A World of Medical Information at Your Fingertips

    We partner with premier medical teaching institutions, professional associations, and highly regarded clinicians to deliver top-notch CME activities. They bring you the most relevant medical information for you to review and apply in your own practice.Connect to CMEinfo Insider and get:

    • Comprehensive one-stop online resource for all stages of your medical career
    • 24/7 access to the entire Insider library of board reviews, clinical updates, and journal article summaries from your computer, tablet or mobile device
    • Earn all the AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ you need
    • Over 18,000 journal article summaries with audio commentary
    • Over 1,230 board review and clinical update activities offered in video format
    • New, cutting-edge topics added every month at no additional charge
    • Online quizzes and instant pass/fail notification
    • Unbiased and evidence-based content with no external advertising
    • Pass board certification and maintenance of certification exams — guaranteed!
    • Plus, save up to $3,200 or get up to a $3,200 Amazon® gift card when you join today! Please note that your receipt will be itemized per guidelines set forth by the ACCME for any accredited CME purchase sold in combination with a gift card. The gift card value is not a tax deductible professional expense. (See Gift Card Disclosures section below for further details.)
    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: $1999
    • Credit hours: Unlimited
    • CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
    • Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio
    • Material last updated: Continuously Updated
  • AchieveCE American Addiction

    Every 7 minutes in our country, a person dies from a drug overdose, while a child is also born approximately every 30 minutes dependent on opioids. How do we as healthcare professionals offer non-stigmatic patient care and contribute to the progress of society in the right direction? Substance use disorder (addiction) is likened to an iceberg or a weed, in that the issues underneath the surface are typically even more complicated than what is viewed from the surface. Addiction spans hundreds of substances of abuse highlighted by stimulants (cocaine and methamphetamine), cannabis (plant, synthetics, and extracts), and opioids (heroin, fentanyl, and carfentanyl). As one can recall with the substance of ethyl alcohol (i.e. beer, wine, and hard liquor), a substance may never actually chemically change, yet can move across legal classifications of substances, leaving all healthcare professionals in need of knowledge on all substances of abuse. Opioid use disorder (opioid addiction) is combated with the medication-assisted treatments (MAT) of naltrexone, methadone, and buprenorphine, while opioid overdose respiratory depression is reversed with naloxone. Over the course of this activity, we will aim for “higher” education on all of these dynamic aspects. Unlike opioids, this activity is sure to open your eyes and possibly even elevate your blood pressure and/or heart rate!!!

    See full details chevron_right
    • Cost: $20
    • Credit hours: 1.5
    • CME credits awarded by: 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ by Continuing Education Company, Inc. and AchieveCE, ACPE, AGD PACE, and ANCC.
    • Format: Online Video