Oakstone CME Masters of Pathology Series: Hematopathology

Cost: $795

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Excel with Expert Hematopathology CME

In addition to detailed coverage of hematopoietic lesions, the Masters of Pathology Series — Hematopathology online CME program delivers case-based presentations focused on interpretation of ancillary test results. Lectures in this continuing medical education course include:

  • A Quick Guide to Common Low-Grade B-cell Lymphomas. Diagnosis of the most common low-grade B-cell lymphomas is fairly straightforward and can be done using an algorithmic approach incorporating first morphologic findings followed by immunohistochemical findings.
  • I Found Hodgkin Cells! A brief overview of Hodgkin lymphoma and the various subtypes including morphologic and phenotypic findings.
  • MDS/MPN Overlap Syndromes – A Quick Review for the General Pathologist. While these syndromes are relatively uncommon in relation to other myeloid neoplasms, their recognition is important. Classification is facilitated by following the relatively specific diagnostic criteria outlined in the WHO classification.
  • Non-GI Extranodal T-cell Lymphomas. A heterogeneous group of disorders with variable morphologic and immunophenotypic characteristics, in which the integration with the clinical presentation is important to achieve an accurate diagnosis.
  • And more!

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