Lactation Consultant Bridge Course
This 45+ hour course is designed for students who have already taken a comprehensive course and need an additional 45 hours to qualify for the IBLCE Exam. Contact our support team at to see if your existing education is eligible to pair with this course.
Cost: $625.00Add to cart
Key Features
Taught by leading experts around the globe. Regularly updated with evidence-based information.
Topics Covered
Initation of breastfeeding; Breastfeeding the Premature Infant; Breastfeeding Multiples, Augmentation and Reduction; Relactation and Induced Lactation; Allergies and the Breastfed Baby; GERD and the Breastfed Infant; Breastfeeding the Infant with Medical Challenges; Maternal Disease and Lactation; Maternal Infections and Breastfeeding; Herbals and Galactogogues; Human Milk Banking; Domestic Violence and Lactation; Trauma Informed Care; Infant Feeding in Disasters; Legal and Ethical Concerns for the IBCLC; Interpretation of Breastfeeding Research; Infant Assessment; Continuity of Care and the Community; Clinical Skills.
Learning Objectives
This course prepares students who have prior basic lactation training to take the IBLCE Exam and to provide the highest level of skilled support to breastfeeding families across the entire spectrum of lactation challenges.
Target Audience
Physicians who have already taken a comprehensive lactation course and desire to extend their knowledge and/or take the IBLCE Exam.
Additional credit info
45 L-CERPs, 45 Nursing Contact Hours