Emergency Medicine MOC Sample Question 1
A 23-year-old male was hit in the anterior aspect of the neck with a bat. He has ecchymosis and edema of the anterior aspect of the neck. The thyroid cartilage is tender to palpation and there is crepitus with palpation. There are no external lacerations. The patient has worsening hoarseness and increasing stridor. What is the next step in the management of this patient?
- ACT of the neck with and without contrast
- BCarotid arteriogram
- CChest x-ray
- DClosed reduction of a suspected thyroid cartilage fracture in the ED
- ETo the OR to secure the airway and perform direct laryngoscopy
Emergency Medicine MOC Sample Question 2
A 6-month-old baby boy is brought in by his mother for a dog bite. She says the boy was lying on a blanket in the living room when the family dog just ran up and bit him on the arm. The child has no PMH. Vitals are normal upon arrival. Upon exam, you see this. What should you do for this patient?
- ATreat with amoxicillin-clavulanate and discharge
- BReport this to child protective services
- CCleanse the area and reassure the mother
- DOrder a CBC, blood, and wound cultures
- EX-ray the left humerus
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