Critical Care Nursing Board Review Sample Question 1
A 56-year-old woman with chronic renal failure is status post a left carotid endarterectomy. She is admitted to the ICU with severe hypertension. The surgeon would like the systolic blood pressure <140mm Hg.fter 24 hours of treatment with nitroprusside, the patient develops confusion and metabolic acidosis. Her symptoms are best prevented/treated with administration of which one of the following agents?
- ACyanocobalamin
- BThiosulfate
- CGlucagon
- DSodium bicarbonate
Critical Care Nursing Board Review Sample Question 2
A 56-year-old man undergoes an urgent sigmoid colectomy and Hartmann’s prouch for perforated diverticulitis eight hours prior. Due to a history of coronary disease he is monitored using telemetry. The patient has the acute onset of tachycardia to 146 beats/minute and an ECG strip demonstrates p waves with three different morphologies. His respiratory rate is 34 breaths/minute, BP is 146/88mm Hg with a SaO2 of 94% on 40% O2 by FM. The most appropriate and effective therapy for this condition is:
- AFurosemide 40mg IVP and KVO IVF
- B100% oxygen via non-rebreather mask
- CBiPAP at 15/7cm H2O and FIO2 100%
- DIntubation and mechanical ventilation
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“This is a great source of CCRN questions to prepare for the exam. Questions are challenging, but the rationales are great. Everything had references too! Thanks for a good qbank. ”
Anita Fetzick, UPMC