There are many options to earn CME credits but some of the most popular include CME with gift card offers, CME conferences, and free CME courses. While all of these are attractive options, free CME is definitely a preferred option for a segment of physicians who need to complete CME requirements. You should look for free CME activities if:
- You did not receive a CME allowance or you received a below average CME allowance
- If you only need a few CME credits left to meet your CME requirements
- If you are looking for quick options to earn CME credits
You did not Receive a CME Allowance or you Received a Below Average CME Allowance
Most physicians receive an average CME allowance between $3,500-$5,000 according to Sullivan Cotter and Associates Inc. While this is the case for the average physician, many receive a CME allowance far below or in some cases no CME allowance at all. If you fall under the latter, then free CME courses are ideal for you.
Free CME courses will allow you to complete your CME credits without having to pay money out of your own pocket. One of the biggest complaints physicians have about CME is that CME activities can often be expensive. Free CME activities eliminate the burden of having to allocate a budget to meet your requirements.
Only Need a Few CME Credits Left to Meet your CME Requirements
Paid CME activities such as gift card offers and conferences are great ways to meet your CME requirements but sometimes they do not offer enough CME credits to completely meet your requirements. As previously mentioned these activities can often be expensive and many physicians may find themselves having still having a few CME credits to earn after using up their entire CME allowance. In this case, free CME activities are the perfect option so you don’t have to use your own money after already using up your CME allowance.
If you are Looking for Quick Options to Earn CME credits
Earning CME credits can be time-consuming. Physicians already have a hectic lifestyle so they often see time-consuming CME activities as a major nuisance. A benefit of free CME activities is that they can often be completed quickly for CME credits. For example, the Scientia’s free CME videos can be completed in within 20 minutes to an hour. Free CME activities like these can eliminate the stress out of earning CME credits.
How to Earn free CME Credits
If free CME activities are right for you, luckily there are many options to choose from. Some of the most popular free CME providers physicians turn to earn CME credits are:
These providers are popular for many reasons. Their CME activities can be completed quickly and conveniently and they cover a wide range of specialties and medical topics including Cardiology, Critical Care, Psychiatry, Urology, and many more.
Check out more information on these top free CME providers.