ABA Anesthesiology BASIC Exam Sample Question 1
The following drug is effective in decreasing the incidence and severity of emergence phenomenon after sevoflurane anesthesia in children:
- AFentanyl
- BAlfentanil
- CMidazolam
- DDexmedetomidine
ABA Anesthesiology BASIC Exam Sample Question 2
The Blood gas partition coefficient of Desflurane is 0.42. This would mean:
- AAt equilibrium, the concentration of Desflurane in the blood is 42 percent of alveoli.
- BThe aqueous form of Desflurane is 42 percent of dissolved form.
- CWhen compared to Halothane that has a blood gas partition coefficient of 2.4, the uptake of Desflurane is 6 times faster than Halothane.
- DOnly nitrous oxide has a blood gas partition co-efficient lower than desflurane
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Basavana Goudra, MD, FRCA, FCARCSI Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Anesthesiology Board Review, ABA BASIC Exam Practice Questions