Breast Imaging CME
1 - 15 of 15 results
Clinical Competence in Breast MR, vol. 2
Clinical Competence in Breast MR, vol. 2 contains 100 new comprehensive Breast MR cases, including patient histories, hundreds of images, dynamic sequences and detailed explanations.†The case review explores the many indications for malignant and benign disease, featuring nodules, tumors and patterns of enhancement encountered in every day practice. Lectures in indications, techniques and the recognition and report of Breast cancer are also included.
This course meets the case requirement for ACR accreditation in Breast MR, and contains 25 self assessment CME credits for Maintenance of Certification. After studying Clinical Competence in Breast MR, vol. 2, you will:
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• Understand the indications for ordering breast MRI
• Recognize the myriad appearances of breast cancer on breast MRI, including in situ and invasive cancer and evidence of metastatic disease
• Recognize mimickers of breast cancer, such as fat necrosis, granulomatous mastitis and lymphoma
• Understand the elements of reporting breast cancer- Cost: $695
- Credit hours: 25
- CME credits awarded by: Global Education Group
- Format: On-Demand Online, DVD-ROM
- Material last updated: 5/17/23
- Expiration of CME credit: 5/16/26
Penn Radiology Breast Imaging Essentials and Innovations
Penn Radiology Breast Imaging Essentials and Innovations focuses on practical methods to improve interpretation, as well as new approaches to advance precision imaging in screening and diagnostic settings. In addition to the traditional breast imaging modalities, this activity explores beyond conventional mammography, with presentations dedicated to digital breast tomosynthesis, supplemental imaging with ultrasound, contrast-enhanced mammography, abbreviated breast MRI, artificial intelligence and new methods for improving breast cancer risk estimation. Worth 18.5 AMA PRA Category I Credits™, this expertly balanced learning experience will allow radiologists to meet their MSQA CME requirements.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $725
- Credit hours: 18.5
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 3/1/2024
- Expiration of CME credit: 2/28/2027
Penn Radiology Current Concepts in Breast Imaging
Penn Radiology’s renowned faculty combines with other internationally acclaimed experts to present Current Concepts in Breast Imaging. This activity features a review of fundamentals and the latest medical technology designed to improve interpretation skills for digital breast tomosynthesis, breast ultrasound, MRI and digital mammography. Biopsy tips and tricks will be provided as well, insuring a well rounded educational experience for all breast imagers. Worth 17.75 AMA PRA Category I Credits™, Current Concepts in Breast Imaging meets MSQA CME requirements, and all credits count toward SA-CME requirements for ABR maintenance of certification.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $695
- Credit hours: 17.75
- CME credits awarded by: Global Education Group
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: 6/20/2022
- Expiration of CME credit: 6/19/2025
Breast Imaging CME: Hot Topics I
A balanced program of case and didactic presentations covering Tomosynthesis, Ultrasound, MRI, and multimodality approaches with practical details. The cases and presentations include biopsy and breast imaging issues you face every day. Also includes timely technology for synthetic 2D imaging for your tomosynthesis practice. Fulfill your 15 hour, 3 year MQSA CME requirement.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $491
- Credit hours: 15
- CME credits awarded by: Efficiency Learning Systems, Inc.
- Format: Demand Online, Video
- Expiration of CME credit: 01/01/2026
Breast Imaging CME: Hot Topics II
Broaden your mastery of the latest advancements in breast imaging with our comprehensive Breast Imaging CME: Hot Topics Part II course. This expertly structured program features a wealth of knowledge from leading breast imaging specialists, covering a diverse range of topics from digital breast tomosynthesis to artificial intelligence. Participating in this course will satisfy the requirement of at least 8 hours (Category 1 credit hours) of Full Field Digital Mammography. Fulfill your 15 hour, 3 year MQSA CME requirement.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $491
- Credit hours: 16
- CME credits awarded by: Efficiency Learning Systems, Inc.
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video
- Expiration of CME credit: 01/01/2026
Breast Imaging CME: Hot Topics III
In this comprehensive Breast Imaging CME: Hot Topics III course, our expert faculty will guide you through in-depth discussions and case studies that cover the latest advancements, best practices, and emerging trends in mammography. Gain valuable insights into interpreting mammograms, identifying breast abnormalities, and accurately diagnosing various breast conditions. Fulfill your 15 hour, 3 year MQSA CME requirement.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $374
- Credit hours: 15
- CME credits awarded by: Efficiency Learning Systems, Inc.
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video
- Material last updated: 06/05/2023
- Expiration of CME credit: 06/05/2026
Artificial Intelligence in Radiology
Artificial Intelligence in Radiology will provide imagers of all experience levels with the introductory information and foundational skills necessary to thrive in a future impacted by AI integrated healthcare. Developed in collaboration with Artificial Intelligence Medical Education (AiME), this activity is designed to demonstrate AI’s radiology applications, its potential to enhance clinical practice and its limitations. As such, this practical and clinically relevant overview will detail the strengths and weaknesses of this emerging technology. No prior AI experience is necessary to benefit from this first of its kind activity, with applications presented for a myriad of imaging subspecialties. Worth 11 AMA PRA Category I Credits™
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $495
- Credit hours: 11
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: August 7, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: August 6, 2026
Penn Radiology Neuro and Chest Imaging Update
Penn Radiology’s widely acclaimed faculty provides critical pearls, pitfalls and protocols in the areas of neuroradiology, cardiothoracic and breast imaging. Neuro and Chest Imaging Update focuses on practical imaging issues to improve interpretation across a wide range of common and uncommon clinical scenarios. Multi-modality, cutting edge practices will be discussed, highlighting potential misinterpretations and strategies for optimal patient care. Radiologists in clinical practice and in training will benefit from this meticulous analysis of neuroradiology and chest imaging’s latest advances. Worth 18.5 AMA PRA Category I Credits™.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $595
- Credit hours: 18.5
- Format: On-Demand Online
- Material last updated: May 5, 2023
- Expiration of CME credit: May 4, 2026
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME UCSF Breast Imaging
Discover Recent Developments in Breast Imaging CME
UCSF Breast Imaging delivers an expert overview of clinically relevant continuing medical education topics. Through didactic lectures, challenging case presentations, and faculty Q&A sessions, speakers highlight the latest developments, sharply focusing on the use of multimodality imaging and intervention (mammography, ultrasound and MRI).You’ll get an online CME program that helps you:
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• Appropriately apply and use BI-RADS
• Develop a skillful, practical approach to mammography and breast US
• Understand and implement MRI in the clinical setting
• Better understand the ethical and legal challenges of breast imaging- Cost: $995
- Credit hours: 19.25
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video
- Material last updated: June 1, 2024
- Expiration of CME credit: May 31, 2027
StatPearls Unlimited Physician MD/DO/PA CME
Stay on top of your game with the StatPearls Physician Unlimited CME programs. With 6,046 activities, StatPearls is the largest CME provider in the world. These Pub-Med Indexed articles are categorized into 162 specialty areas which lets you better access activities that will make the biggest impact on your practice. One subscription allows access to all the activities, including all state-requirements.
Pricing Options
- 6 Month subscription: All 6,339 CME Activities – $249 per 6 months
- Annual subscription: All 6,339 CME Activities – $349 per 1 year
- Lifetime: All 6,339 CME Activities + Access to Board Reviews Forever – $1999
- Cost: Varies
- CME credits awarded by: ETSU
- Format: On Demand Online & Board Reviews
Breast MRI: Comprehensive 2nd Edition
A concise program for the initial modality training requirement for MQSA. Includes expanded MRI case presentations with interpretation details.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $380
- Credit hours: 10
- CME credits awarded by: Efficiency Learning Systems, Inc.
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video
- Material last updated: 11/12/2023
- Expiration of CME credit: 11/12/2026
Clinical Competence in Breast Imaging, Interventions and Management
Clinical Competence in Breast Imaging, Interventions and Management provides a complete tutorial in all modalities, diagnostic strategies and interventional considerations encountered in the modern breast imaging practice. Its fifty cases allow the participant to explore a wide range of benign and malignant disease, with special focus placed on the variety of presentations and patterns of enhancement observed on mammogram, ultrasound, MRI and tomosynthesis.
This activity also expounds on the many challenges provided beyond the diagnosis, with optimal approaches for intervention and management discussed throughout. The immersive case review experience is supplemented by three insightful lectures by critically acclaimed faculty.
Clinical Competence in Breast Imaging, Interventions and Management is worth 25 AMA PRA Category I Credits™ and meets all MQSA CME requirements.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $695
- Credit hours: 25
- Material last updated: 10/1/2024
- Expiration of CME credit: 9/30/2027
Breast Ultrasound: Comprehensive
A concise program for the initial modality training requirement for MQSA. Includes expanded ultrasound case presentations including interpretation details.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $342
- Credit hours: 9
- CME credits awarded by: Efficiency Learning Systems, Inc.
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video
- Material last updated: 11/01/2024
- Expiration of CME credit: 11/01/2026
30% OFF W/ CODE: CME30
Oakstone CME Topics in Mammography – 8th Edition
Breast Imaging CME: Keep Pace with the Latest
Topics in Mammography is the eighth edition of our comprehensive evidence-based breast imaging program. This online CME course features engaging commentary of case-based topics and state-of-the-art literature updates. Under the direction of University of California, San Diego’s R. James Brenner, MD, JD, FACR, FCLM, speakers guide you in evaluating the potentials and pitfalls of both current and new imaging approaches.
Learn at your own pace with presentations focused on specialized topics — artificial intelligence (AI), supplementary screening (including a special lecture on contrast enhanced mammography), the physics of DBT, imaging of young cancer patients — as well as:
- New, more efficient approaches to traditional imaging work-ups
- A comprehensive anatomy-pathophysiology discussion clarifying the correlation between imaging and histology
- An extensive review of MRI and multifaceted applications
- Insightful commentary on medical legal aspects for your practice, avoiding false negatives, communication, implications and consequences related to use of AI and DBT
- Critical analyses of different imaging approaches and avoiding advocacy or bias
- And more…
- Cost: $499
- Credit hours: 32.25
- CME credits awarded by: Oakstone Publishing
- Format: On-Demand Online, Online Video, Online Audio, Audio CD
- Material last updated: April 30, 2022
- Expiration of CME credit: April 30, 2025
AchieveCE Breast Cancer Screening & Diagnosis
This video activity focuses on ways to help early detection of breast cancer by learning the risk factors, the different screening and diagnostic modalities and guidelines to what kind of screening is needed, and most importantly, when should screening begin.
See full details chevron_right- Cost: $19
- Credit hours: 1