CMEList.com was started in 1995 as an attempt to list and describe every web site that offered AMA-approved CME online. At its peak, around 2009, we had over 325 sites listed. These sites offered over 16,000 separate activities and over 26,000 hours of credit. CMEList.com received no compensation for listing CME activities; sites were listed by specialty order and alphabetically within specialty.
Beginning in 2010, CMEList.com began to accept compensation for promoting various CME sites and activities. We attempted to continue to follow the total universe of US Online CME-certified sites. Promoted sites were listed at the top of each specialty page and non-promoted sites were listed at the bottom.
Over the years, our emphasis has gradually shifted away from an attempt to catalogue all online CME to a for-profit endeavor aimed at promoting selected CME activities. Beginning in January 2014, the major emphasis of the site has been the paid promotion of these sites. We have continued to list the non-promoted sites in a "More-CME" category; these sites are not visited regularly and some of the content of those descriptions may be outdated.
If you would like us to add a new listing for your site or update a current listing for your site, email us at [email protected].